
Documentation on the structure of data

Metadata DB of NPM Packages

Below are the main aspects of the structure of the NPM package metadata PostgreSQL database. Full details of the database structure can be found among the migration files on GitHub.

If you do not yet have the metadata database setup, please follow the setup instructions.

Packages (packages)

The packages table lists all the packages scraped from

To see an example, run select * from packages where name = 'react'.

Versions (versions)

The versions table lists all the versions of every package. Each version has a package_id for which package it is a version of, and a semver for its version number. In addtion to other interesting metadata, each version has arrays of prod_dependencies, dev_dependencies, peer_dependencies and optional_dependencies, consisting of dependency IDs (see below).

To see an example, run select * from versions where id = 26027542.

Dependencies (dependencies)

Consider a version which has a dependency "foo" : "^1.2.3" listed in its package.json. We call foo the destination package, and ^1.2.3 the constraint specification. The dependencies table lists all these unique dependencies.

Note that dependencies have complex relationships with versions & packages:

  1. Each source version contains many dependencies, in its prod_dependencies, etc. arrays in the versions table.
  2. Each dependency may be referenced by many different source versions / packages.
  3. Each destination package may be referenced by many different dependencies (those with different constraint specifications).
  4. Each dependency's constraint specification may imply potential dependency on multiple versions of the destination package. These could be computed directly from the spec column which encodes a constraint AST, or from the raw_spec column which can be understood by a semver parsing library.

To see an example, run select * from dependencies where id = 100750.

Advisories (ghsa)

The ghsa table lists advisories scraped from the reviewed NPM section of the [](GitHub Advisory Database). Each advisory has a GHSA ID (id), severity, date, references, and natural language descriptions. Note that conceptually (and on GitHub) each advisory contains information about which packages and version ranges are vulnerable. The information is stored separately in the vulnerabilities table (see below).

To see an example, run select * from ghsa where id = 'GHSA-6xrf-q977-5vgc'.

Vulnerabilities (vulnerabilities)

The vulnerabilities table lists what we call vulnerabilities, which are specific version ranges of packages which are vulnerable to an security advisory. Each vulnerability consists of the advisory in question, as well as the name of the vulnerable package and lower and upper bounds on the vulnerable versions. In addition, each vulnerability lists the first patched version.

Note that a single advisory can have multiple vulnerabilities, meaning that it appears in multiple different packages and/or in multiple different version ranges.

To see an example, run select * from vulnerabilities where id = 1.

Downloaded Tarballs (downloaded_tarballs)

The downloaded_tarballs table lists all the URLs and storage information of tarballs that we have downloaded (see below).

To see an example, run select * from downloaded_tarballs limit(1).

Source Code of NPM Packages

If you do not yet have the package source code blob store setup, please follow the setup instructions.

Blob Store is a Key-Value Store

The blob store of package source code is a key-value store, where each value is a tarball of the source code of a version of a package.

To know which keys to read from in the blob store, you must look up the appropriate keys in the downloaded_tarballs table in the PostgreSQL metadata database. For example, to find the key for the tarball downloaded from the URL, you can query:

npm_data=> select blob_storage_key from downloaded_tarballs where 
tarball_url = '';


This tells you that you can read from the express-4.17.1.tgz key in the blob store. In turn, the tarball URLs can be looked up in the versions table. You can not rely on blob store keys always having the format of name-x.y.z.tgz.

Reading from the Blob Store

To perform operations on the blob store, the blob store client is used. For this example, we will be using the cp command to copy a file from the blob store to the local machine.

For example, to retrieve the tarball with key express-4.17.1.tgz, run:

cargo run --release --bin blob_idx_client -- cp express-4.17.1.tgz ./express-4.17.1.tgz

The client will automatically connect to the blob store server at the URL specified in the .env file, and retrieve the tarball with key express-4.17.1.tgz and store it at ./express-4.17.1.tgz. From there you can extract it as a normal tarball.